Staff Induction

City of Newcastle


City of Newcastle asked Fluffy Cloud to create an animation to inject some fun and engaging material to their staff induction program. The animation needed to increase officers and volunteers awareness, understanding and ownership of their role in delivering the seven strategic directions within the Newcastle 2030 Community Strategic Plan while linking the work they do back to the Delivery and Operational Plan.

It was our job to communicate this information in a few minutes, while keeping the video entertaining and making sure we covered all the key points. We tackled this by writing a script that covered a team at work on their project, both in the field and back at council offices. The team interact on multi levels demonstrating their ownership of their roles and how they work to plan.

wave Staff INduction.gif

The ‘Staff’ characters are proud, setting a good example for new employees as they work together. Their personalities are revealed through their voices, accents and mannerisms. We included a diverse range of staff personas who are relatable and quirky. We wanted to show equality, yet stick with a few beloved stereo types for relatability and humour.


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